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Is there an existing free database for chemical and waste management data relevant to water treatment? Or is it best to invest in ecoinvent? I find that the free version of ecoinvent does not provide a lot of chemical data.
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
I am not sure about "the free version of ecoinvent" but you can of course always check the databases in Nexus. I would however also recommend that you check the modeling assumptions and available background datasets for the model that you have in mind, such as transport, electricity, asf.; you will most likely not find one process in any database that fully represents the product you want to model but rather will look for a database that provides "the rest" that you also need to make a complete life cycle model.
by (520 points)
Thank you for the answer @Andreas Ciroth. I am using electricity and chemical processes from different sources with specific impact factors relevant to the case study. Would be happy to share the inventory data after completing the analysis for study water treatment plants. Thanks