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I worked with the PEF secondary database that was previously available in Nexus. I investigated the emission values for glass container manufacturing and found that the between emission values of diffrent types of glass (virgin, 50%, 80% cullet rate) only in the Climat change and Climat change - fossil and Abiotic depletion of fossil fuel categories was a small difference. This is inconsistent with the fact that a bottle with larger recycled glass (cullet) content should also appear difference to be in the Abiotic resource depletion of minerals.
What could be the reason for this?

in Miscellaneous by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (2.6k points)
This could have something to do with the Circular Footprint Formula used in PEF. Here, using recycled content and producing recycling material after EoL is calculated within a holistic approach to the circular economy.

Btw, where could one find this PEF secondary database? It's not in Nexus (anymore)