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Dear all!

I am modeling a Product Environmental Footprint using the Environmental Footprint Database and I am having trouble choosing the right Provider for wastewater treatment. The PEFCR wants us to use the wastewater process: "Treatment of domestic wastewater, large plant wastewater treatment including sludge treatment production mix, treated in the plant 1m3 wastewater" But when I use the quantitative reference flow "Wastewater (in)" in my model, I can only select the provider Wastewater Input Dummy - GLO.

I guess the problem is that the flow "Wastewater (in)" is an input of the process "Domestic wastewater treatment, large-scale plant wastewater treatment including sludge treatment production mix, at plant 1m3 wastewater treated" and not an output. Therefore, I probably cannot select him as a provider.

But otherwise, how should I model the process "Treatment of domestic wastewater, large-scale plant wastewater treatment including sludge treatment production mix, at plant 1m3 wastewater treated" if not with its quantitative reference flow. Is there any other way to model waste water with the Environmental Footprint Database

I hope someone can help me with my problem.

Best regurds!
in openLCA by (190 points)

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