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Hi! I`m new to openLCA and was wondering how can I import LCIA methods. I have downloaded the free "openLCA LCIA methods" pack, but somehow it shows up as a database in the program.
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1 Answer

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by (122k points)
Best answer
Hi and welcome,
this is correct, you can import this database (as any other database) into another openLCA database, or vice versa, via file/import/import entire database. For some databases, like ecoinvent or Agri-footprint, we are providing the LCIA methods in the database therefore the import is not needed when you use one of these databases.
Best wishes,
I have imported the .zolca file "openlca_lcia_methods_1_5_6_16.zolca" into openLCA, but when I click "Calculate" in the product system window, there are no impact assessment methods to choose from. Any ideas how to get past this problem? I am using the "elcd_3_2_greendelta_v2_16" database.
by (122k points)
Hi Pauli,
hm are you sure - if you have imported the methods, you will have them in the subfolder "Impact assessment methods", and then you will also be able to select one of them for the calculation?
I think I finally solved the problem. I was looking for the LCIA methods in the "elcd_3_2_greendelta_v2_16" -database, where I have my product system, and that`s why the impact assessment methods folder was empty. I now found the impact assessment methods in the same folder under the "openlca_lcia_methods_1_5_6_16" -database.

Next question: Do I have to make a new flow, process and product system under this database to be able to use these LCIA-methods?
by (122k points)
Ah good. To combine both database contents, import one database into the other; open the database you want to import into, then select file, import, import entire database, and you can select files (zolca) and databases already in openLCA.