+1 vote
I am a PhD student and hoping to use OpenLCA to evaluate the ecological impact of product design concepts resulting from the use of two different approaches to innovation. I am not familiar with OpenLCA thus do not know if I need a licence or could I download the new EU product environmental Footprint database, or would ecoinvent be better?

Just wondering how I can do this analysis with no funding, unfortunately. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

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by (129k points)
You need to accept the license of the PEF databases and then you can use them (and of course the license needs to fit to your use), for free. We are still negotiating with thinkstep about a for-payment access to the PEF databases, to use them outside of the PEF context, but this is dragging on, and I think not because of us. Non-OECD is a special option in ecoinvent (which obviously does not apply for you).