+1 vote

I am modelling the manufacture of a kayak that is 3D printed.  I have a test case running in which the kayak is made from 15kgs of polyethylene high density granulate, which is transported 500km by lorry to the printing site, which uses 133.6MJ per kg of printed component.  

My question is it it possible to verify the results of the analysis?  The case above is resulting in a GWP of 1241 kg CO2 equivalent which seems like far too large of a number.  Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
in openLCA by (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (128k points)
openLCA offers quite many ways to "drill down" in the result, by inspecting e.g. per impact category most contributing processes, inspecting which flows contribute most, and also which flows do not contribute at all. In transport, depending on the database you use, you need to pay attention to set the distance and possibly payload correctly, some databases have datasets that describe the entire truck running, which typically leads to too high emissions if you do not consider the share of the product in the good the truck transports.
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