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which package/version of openLCA LCIA methods shall be imported to be used with last version of ecoinvent and GaBi databases that are available on nexus?

Thank you
in openLCA by (320 points)

1 Answer

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by (4.4k points)
Dear frogeris,

the GaBi database and ecoinvent database both have their special LCIA method packages that can be downloaded in the nexus.

The openLCA LCIA methods work with ecoinvent as well, but not with the GaBi database due to differently named elemental flows.
by (4.4k points)
so, for a combined database, you will have to combine the methods or add the missing flows
by (320 points)
Thank you for the quick feedback. That is very inconvenient and disappointing. It was one of the main reasons why my company decided to use an openLCA software, i.e., due to the possibilty to use a combined ecoinvent and GaBi database to model LCAs. It was possible to do this until last updates and it was assured (I raised this question several times in this forum already) that it will be possible to combine DBs in future (i.e., an appropriate openLCA method pack will be provided/updated). As a matter of course, we pay regularly service and maintenance fees.
by (4.4k points)
Dear frogeris,

please rest assured that my answer does not negate the answers you have previously received in this forum. we are working on combined methods and when they are released, we will let you know through our social media channels. if you are interested in combining methods, have a look at this entry:
by (320 points)
reshown by
Thank you, great to hear that. Could you please tell me when approx. combined methods are planned to be released?
by (150 points)
Hi, were the combined methods already released?