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I am trying to export detailed LCIA results to excel, but if I do it through File>Export>Excel I can only get all the outputs of the product-system sorted alphabetically. I want to get the IPCC 2013 GWP(100a) contributions, with amounts in the original unit and results in kgCO2-eq, as shown here:

Can this be done? I was trying to copy/paste but does not work either.




I cannot copy/paste using right-click, only open individual flows (see below). I am working in openLCA 1.9.0 on Windows 10.


in openLCA by (160 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)
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Best answer

You can simply mark the lines in the result table you show (or the entire sheet, in windows with ctrl+a), then right-click, copy, then paste this to excel or a text editor.

by (160 points)
Thank you @Andreas Ciroth, but that doesn't seem to be working on my version of the software (openLCA 1.9.0 on Windows 10).  If I right-click, I can only see the "Open" option.  I edited my original question to show this as I cannot upload images here.
by (131k points)
ah possible, please update to 1.10 then.
by (160 points)
Yes, that did the trick. Thanks!
by (100 points)
That didn't work for me. I am in the Impact Analysis tab inside the process sheet, OpenLCA 1.10.2. I want to copy-paste the general LCIA results to Excel but I only get the option to "Open", which opens the EF method that I am applying. Any clue?

by (131k points)
Indeed, this is a new feature in openLCA 1.10.3
by (100 points)
Cool, I had just updated it, thanks
by (100 points)
Hi again,
The Impact Analysis tab shows all-zero results for every process I tried (ecoinvent lci databases), when using the EF method (EF secondary data_201908 package, version 3 downloaded and imported) in OpenLCA 10.3. Am I missing something?
by (131k points)
The EF method package only works in isolation with the EF database, not with other databases. The flows are different, since they are the original EF flows, and these are not part of the openLCA flows.
by (100 points)
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But Ecoinvnet works with the previous EF method (v2, adapted)... So I cannot apply the last EF method (v3) to the Ecoinvent database with OpenLCA?
And by the way, the function to Copy the Impact Analysis results to my clipboard in order to paste them in Excel still does not work for me with the last version of OpenLCA. I still get only the "Open" option when I right-click on the results. Any other clue on how to fix this?

PS: for some reason I cannot paste the screenshot here..
by (131k points)
(in comments you cannot paste / add pictures. Also, your point is a bit off-topic. The EF 3 adapted method in the openLCA 2.1 method pack works with ecoinvent, but it is adapted since it does not contain the original EF flows)
by (100 points)
Thanks for the clarification. I checked again the openLCIA 2.1 methods pack, apparently I had not imported it properly (EF v3 was missing, among others). Now it works fine, I can apply EF v3 to Ecoinvent in openLCA 10.3, but I still cannot copy the Impact Analysis results with the right-click - only the "Open" option showing up.