+1 vote


I have downloaded the NRL repository from LCA commons. Then stored the zip file in a folder and tried to import the zip file. To  import the zip file I have created a new database > right clicked and selected import > selected other folder linked Data (JSON-LD)> Uploaded the file and it appeared in the right side> When I select finish I get an error. I am getting an error.   

12005046mainERRORorg.openlca.app.wizards.io.JsonImportWizardJSON import failed.

What would the problem be ?

in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (14.0k points)
There should be also a stack trace below the error message. It would be helpful if you could share that too. Maybe the downloaded zip is broken (that happens sometimes with some browsers). If you try to download and import the zip file again it maybe solves this? I just tested it and it works for me...