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I would like some advice on some differences I have spotted in landfill processes, and how you would proceed (which processes would you use) to model the waste management of a mix of different materials. The impact results are GWP from TRACI 2.1 and the database is Ecoinvent 3.6.

-The impacts for waste paperboard and scrap steel are the same which is surprising

-the impacts for paperboard and graphical paper are very different, (biogenic carbon content might be included or not ?), I'm not sure how to model my paper and cardboard waste with such different impacts.

-There is a difference with the generic "sanitary landfill inert wast", I was wondering what the difference was between inert landfill and sanitary landfill exactly.

Thank you very much for your advice.



in openLCA by (190 points)
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1 Answer

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by (2.6k points)
I second this, while I think this is a question for the Ecoinvent team. (Additionally, I think you are not supposed to post LCIA results of certain datasets here.)

Naturally, since paper is not inert, it should not be landfilled on a site dedicated to inert waste. If it is, then it should have direct emissions in the form of methane, at least similar to the ones on sanitary landfills.
by (190 points)

Thank you for your reply, indeed the problem was using an inert landfill instead of a sanitary landfill.
Thank you, I'll also try to delete the impacts, I did not realise it's not allowed.
