+1 vote

ask.openLCA is a question-and-answer (Q&A) website on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) ...

...  and also the official support platform for openLCA, openLCA nexus, data.openLCA.org and the LCA Collaboration Server.

Still, we invite everyone who works with Life Cycle Assessment to contribute questions, answers and comments ... regardless of whether they relate specifically to openLCA or not!

Ask a question ... get an answer

Ask a question and get a straightforward answer ... this platform is not a discussion forum. Improve your questions and answers as you go along. Use comments only for clarification. Vote good answer up so that they will be listed first. One question per question!

The user who asked the question selects an answer as the best answer. This does not necessarily mean the other answers do not work!

Comments are meant for clarification ... not for new questions

Use comments only for clarifications ... not for new questions!

Good questions get good answers

When asking a question, focus on your real problem and provide details (e.g. log files, screenshots, etc.). The user who answers your question must be able to understand and possibly reproduce your problem.

Has your question been asked before?

The 'Ask a question' page will help you to find out ...


Tagging helps fellow users to find your question and also to understand it ... this also improves the quality of answers!

Don't ruin your reputation!

Your reputation increases with positive votes from fellow users. With an increasing reputation you may receive additional user rights such as access to moderation tools. If you repeatedly ask unspecific question or lose focus, fellow users may downvote your posts and with this your reputation.

Improve your questions and answers as you go along

Aim of ask.openLCA is to provide quick and good answers to specific questions. Keep improving your questions and answers through edits as you go along. Use comments only for clarification!

Get started!

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... ask a question
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One last thing ...

Our old (archived) forum is available via https://archive.openlca.org/. We have migrated all posts since 2017 into ask.openLCA.

closed with the note: Wiki entry - Only comments allowed
in Miscellaneous by (23.7k points)
closed by
by (1.5k points)
Does ask.openLCA support markdown notation?