I am performing a life cycle assessment on photovoltaic electricity production using ecoinvent 3.7 (consequential).
I have a question about the concept of consequential modelling with regards to the following process.
- electricity production, photovoltaic, 3kWp slanted-roof installation, multi-Si, panel, mounted | electricity, low voltage | Consequential, U
According to the definition, the consequential model will calculate the results (or consequences) of change in a system.
Could you please explain this in the case of electricity production (the above-mentioned process)?
For example, can I say that:
Production of PV electricity will result in a decrease in other sources of electricity production such as natural gas, hydro, etc.
So, the question is that this model will continue to consider many processes because a supply in a product will change the demand in another (so complex!)
Is there any criteria for this in ecoinvent (v 3.7)? Can I set a cut-off for these consequences? If so, how?