+2 votes

Is it possible if anyone could guide me into creating 1kg of hydrogen using the electrolysis method. So far I have created a flow and process where the output is 1kg of hydrogen. So far for the inputs, I only have 0.009m^3 of water and 39kWh of solar energy (since I'm referring to green hydrogen). I am stuck with the rest because I am unsure how to add the anode and cathode or any other componenets. I would appreciate any help,

Thank you.
in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (129k points)

Since I replied to you also by email, here for everybody a reply:

What you describe seems that you assume that in one step, you can create oxygen and hydrogen out of solar energy and water. That does not seem realistic, but if you assume this you have no environmental impacts. In reality, you will need processes to produce the PV that generates the electricity from solar power, e.g., and this will create impacts.

And of course also the anode and kathode, etc., you need to add these as inputs to the electrolysis process.

Best wishes,


by (3.3k points)
do you have access to ecoinvent?