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I would like to create a model on soy meal production. I want to use existing processes such as soybean production | soybean | cut-off, U - BR but modify (mostly delete) some of the inputs a bit.

I have copied the process and can delete inputs, however this makes no change in outputs and results, why is that?

Is there some other way to modify inputs resulting in a changed result in a copied process? (I have tried using parameters, it didn`t work).

Best Regards,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
in openLCA by

1 Answer

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by (124k points)
Hi Emma,
I am not sure I fully understand, you will need to create a new product system with your copied and modified process (after you saved the changes), and unless the changes you made are marginal, you will receive then a changed result. Was this your question?
Best wishes,
Hi Andreas!

It works fine now, I must have forgotten to save or something.
Thank you!

Best Regards
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