0 votes
Hi deat Openlca team,

when trying to calculate the impacts of my product "quick results" works, however i get an error-message when trying to calculate the Analysis. How can i fix this?
in openLCA by (210 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (131k points)
Could you please tell what the error message says? That would be useful.
0 votes
by (210 points)

Thanks for your quick response. First I get:

"the direct calculation creates an in-memory product system of all processes in the database. This only gives correct results when there are unambiguous links between these processes. You can also check the linking properties of the databses under ´Database --> check linking properties"

And then an error message poped up. The corresponding log-file is attached.

by (210 points)
Thanks fotr your reply! what exactly do you mean with buildig it manually?