0 votes
What this EPD editor is made for? Can be the EPD exported or saved, so I can use it on Open LCA? Or I can just send it to a server for validation?

Thanks a lot!
in openLCA by (310 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (129k points)
Hi, you find some information on the EPD Editor here: https://www.oekobaudat.de/fileadmin/downloads/20210712_EPD_Editor_Manual_for_OEKOBAUDAT_datasets.pdf. It creates the ILCD+EPD "dialect" of ILCD, you can import this into openLCA but it is primarily used for uploading datasets to oekobaudat. When importing into openLCA, not all features of the format dialect survive, and the EPD becomes a process data set. This will change with openLCA 2.
by (310 points)
Thanks for the info! With kind regards, MarĂ­a
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