+1 vote

Hi all,

I’m currently working on OpenLCA and I would like to add EPD information that I’ve found. I would like to know how could I add those infromation into OpenLCA. Moreover, after checking online I’ve found out that there is a plugin (EPD Editor) that i could use for EPD. However, it seems i can’t get in the file tab, the manage plugins, and therefore, can not install this plugin.

 Here is a screenshot of my problem: (i don’t have ”manage plugins”)

Best regards,


in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (23.7k points)

Hi Frank, plugins for openLCA have been discontinued. You can create EPDs in normal openLCA or with the EPD Editor standalone application: https://github.com/GreenDelta/epd-editor/releases

I hope this helps!

by (130 points)
Hi Jonas,

Thanks for your support. Good to know :)

