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I'm finishing a LCA and I'm having some problems analysing the results of each process:

  • I want to compare the processes;
  • The impact categories of the LCA calculation are different from the ones that appear in the method selected (why?);
  • I don't know the normalization units.

The openLCA version I'm working on in 1.11.0.

Thank you very much for all the help.

Best regards,

Beatriz Teixeira

in openLCA by (200 points)
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by (5.3k points)
I think you need to provide some more details on this to get some answers.

You want to compare the impact analysis of individual processes or you want to compare the process-level contributions within a system?

I'm not sure what's going on in the second bullet. The impact categories should reflect whatever impact method you select when you calculate a product system. The other thing you may be running into is that impact assessments from the "Impact analysis" tab of a process not matching the impacts when they're calculated within a product system. The most likely culprit here are duplicate flows. The "Impact analysis" tab will only calculate the impacts from the first instance of the flow - so if there are two methane flows (with the same UUID), it will only calculate using one of those.

I think you need to tell us which normalization method you've used, and someone may be able to provide the units. As an example for TRACI, I believe the normalization units are per 1,000 people or something like that - as in, the combined environmental impacts of a product system are equivalent to the combined US impacts are for every 1,000 people.
by (200 points)

I want to compare the impact analysis of individual processes.

On the second bullet the impact categories of the LCA calculation method results are different from the ones that appear when I check that method properties before doing the calculations. Why is it so?

The normalization methods which I want to know the units are: ReCiPe Endpoint - World (2010) and Environmental Footprint (Mid-point indicator) - PEF standard weighting and normlization factors.


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