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Hi all,

As a part of my master's thesis, I am modeling a life cycle of a building based on 3 different end-of-life scenarios: disposal, recycling, and reuse. I am using OpenLCA 1.11.0 and the ef_secondarydata_202202_2 database.

Scenario 1 below (Disposal)

Scenario 2 below (Recycling of Materials )

However, these 2 scenarios give me the same impact. Ideally, the second scenario should have less impact than the first one.  Could somebody identify what's wrong? Is there something with the modeling of recycling?


in openLCA by (140 points)
by (140 points)
Hi, I'm facing the same issue. I'm working with PP packaging materials, but I'm getting identical results for different end-of-life (EOL) scenarios. If you've found a solution, could you please share it?

1 Answer

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by (140 points)
Hi, I'm facing  the same issue. I'm working with PP packaging materials, but I'm getting identical results for different end of life scenarios. If you've found a solution, could you please share it?
by (100 points)
Have you considered use of recycled material in the system boundary?
by (140 points)
No, I did not. But my scenaros for end of life are recycling and incinration of PP packaging.