0 votes
I am going to conduct LCI and LCIA of a windturbine with Exiobase 3.4 downloaded from OpenNexus (free version). My plan for conducting doing following; to make processes based on the EPDs I am going to use. Then my aim is to add the different processes into 1 set and that is my problem. i dont know how to do that. any ideas?

I have tried using "Product system", but they are expecting me to use a reference process first and when I use "project" but idk where to add the processes.

You can contact me on bilalmh@uia.no
in openLCA by (260 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)
Hi, the reference process is the final process in the product system; it could be installation of the wind turbine, or also "the life cycle" with input from manufacturing, use, and end of life.

Does this help?

Best wishes,

by (260 points)
edited by
I have the material list of a windturbine, so I have the amount in steel and other materials. the end product will be the emissions they release and that is my final process. my problem is that idk how to use the emission-release as the reference process?