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Concretely I have separate flows for electricity and heat, but both have the same unit group: units of energy. Now, I want to have electricity in kWh and heat in MJ. I see that I can change it manually once I put the flows into the process input, but this isn't practical since I use both electricity and heat often. I know I cange the "standard" unit from MJ to kWh for the whole thing, but that doesn't help since I still nee to change some manually. Is it possible to choose a "standard" unit for each individual flow?
in openLCA by (310 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi, interesting question, unfortunately not, this would be a lot to save / link the units to the flows. You can select the default "flow property" (mass, or energy), and this will then yield a default unit. Entering a unit is not too cumbersome though I think, you can just type the first letter of the unit and it is selected then.