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Hi, I am making a carbon footprint project for a product that the role production is made in Brazil. However, some data are not available for the country. The energy grid in Brazil is made in the major part from renewable sources, which makes the carbon footprint from electricity lower than the global average. Once local data are not available, I'm using global data, but I would like to change all the energy providers in the project to the Brazilian mix grid. There is an easy way to do that?
in openLCA by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (3.3k points)
Start with your most downstream process, find the energy input, and edit that to match your grid mix. A common way I have seen this is as a market for medium or high voltage electricity. I would copy the process, paste it to a new process folder, and rename it something like Green Brazil market mix. You can then go into all your steps and changes the provider for electricity inputs to this market mix
by (100 points)
thank you for saving my research(almost crying)
by (3.3k points)
geoffery guest has the best vids I have found for this