0 votes
Hello everyone,

I have this issue. I'm trying to model an industrial process that starts with a sorting phase and this phase, produces as output two types of plastic (ABS & PS); then I have two purification processes starting from outputs of the sorting phase. My question is: is possibile to create a unique product system with the three processes 1. sorting 2. purification ABS 3. purification PS?
in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)
What is the product of this product system? It seems you have rather two products, PS and ABS? For the process modeling, this is fine, but for the calculation, you should define an allocation for the sorting step, and then make a product system for PS and one for ABS.

Hth, Andreas
by (130 points)
Ok, understood! Thank you so much