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I am are in the process of selecting a method available to model the freshwater consumption impact category according with ISO 21930 and Product Category Rules  for Building-Related Products and Services. Is there an standarized method for determining freshwater consumption? 
thanks you!

in Miscellaneous by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (520 points)
Hello Catalina,

I suppose 'freshwater consumption' is distinct from 'bluewater consumption' or 'water depletion' categories. Because ISO14046 indicates that the net freshwater is equal to consumptive freshwater, it may be of benefit to investigate the flow factors for specific building / construction related products / processes. Hope this helps. Please do share your findings. Thanks
0 votes
by (8.4k points)
Hello Catalina.

If you have access to the EN15804_A2 impact assessment method, then freshwater consumption is a part of the inventory results. I hope this helps.