+1 vote
Hello community,

 I am trying to import the Plastics Europe Database into OpenLCA 2.0.1 and I am getting a large number of errors (like over 50,000). When I click on details, I see that all of them are invalid references in ILCD datasets. Is there something that I'm doing wrong? I imported it using a compressed zip file and with no flow mapping.


in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Yes, that is a known issue, these files have been created with GaBi and GaBi seems to exclude common flows etc. that are already known in GaBi, which means these files do not work in other tools then (and it is of course not in line with the ILCD format requirements in my view, to provide ILCD zip packages which link to non-existing files).
by (130 points)
I understand, thank you for the info.