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I have created 3 unit processes (media, fermentation, downstream) that I have then assembled in a single process to be able to tell the contribution of each unit when doing the contribution tree. When I check the contribution tree, in some cases the majority of the contribution for one of the units is in the column of "direct contribution" so I am not able to tell where (which specific process) that impact is coming from. Could anybody tell me what this "direct contribution" means?
Thanks in advance.
in openLCA by (200 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Direct contribution are the results from the process itself, by its own emission outputs / resource inputs. So in case the main impact is coming from a direct contribution, you see exactly where this is caused.

Hth, Andreas
by (131k points)
well the direct contribution is the direct contribution of a process to an impact category without supply chain. If you want to see what in this process is resposible for this impact, go to the LCIA checks sheet in the process, which shows the direct impacts by flow.