+1 vote

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the openLCA software and to get started I followed an openLCA tutorial to implement the processes of coal mining, transportation and combustion. I followed everything exactly how it was explained in the tutorial video, however at the end when I was supposed to receive my impact assessment results it came back empty, so all the values for the different impact indicators were zero. I included some screenshots of the input and output of the different flows and also the results I obtained from the impact assessment. according to the tutorial I had to implement the different processes by hand and the impact assessment was obtained from the ecoinvent3_01_lcia_methods. I also checked the impact analysis of my processes separately and this also gives me all zero values. The screenshots are included in the comments.

Thanks in advance for the help


in openLCA by (130 points)
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1 Answer

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by (130k points)
Hi Runa, the LCIA method flows need to match the flows in your life cycle model, if they don't you get zero result values. Which database are you using? You did not add screenshots btw.

Thank you,

by (130 points)
Hi Andreas, thanks for the quick response, I added the sreenshots. For the impact assessment I'm using the ecoinvent3_01_lcia_methods. And for the flows I simply used the elementary flows that are already present when you make a new database, just like the tutorial told me to.