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I downloaded this dataset for Soda Ash (Federal_Highway_Administration/mtu_pavement | LCA Collaboration Server (lcacommons.gov)). When I run calculations, there is nothing under impact category results. I downloaded the inventory results and I see #NUM error in most of the cells (but not all). I tried different impact assessment methods. 

My colleague has the same issue. Both of us are new to openLCA. 

I had no issues with the PET bottle example file. I tried included PET bottle example. The results showed up for that.  

We are using openLCA 2.0. 

What does #NUM error mean? How do I resolve this?


in openLCA by (230 points)
by (131k points)
That shows that the calculation result is not achieved or not at all correct - maybe you have a division by 0, for example - you may find some messages in the log file then to this but the calculation does not report all details.

1 Answer

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by (230 points)

It is working. I did the following:

1) Install openLCA 2.1

2) create US LCA commons database and imported the datasets from the repository here: LCA Collaboration Server (lcacommons.gov)

3) create a product system 

4) do calculation using use non-openLCA LCIA methods. I got results with TRACI, TRACI (NETL), and ReCiPE 2016 - Midpoint/E.

I tried 'direct calculation' and also openLCA LCIA methods. But either I got errors or the software crashed. It would be great if this could work with 'direct calculations'.


