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Dear all!

is it possible to display more than 15 elements in the sankey diagram. in openLCA 2.0.4 there are only 1,5 oder 15 pieces of process are selectable.

Kind regards,
in openLCA by (760 points)

3 Answers

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by (7.9k points)
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Best answer
Hello DiHorw,

After checking your model (thank you for sharing it), we have found an issue that will be fixed in the next release.

Thanks a lot for letting us know, as it helps a lot in improving the software.


by (7.9k points)
You can already download and test the development release version on https://www.openlca.org/download/ under the Development tab!
0 votes
by (7.9k points)

Hi DiHorw!

Did you try to increase the maximum number of processes or decrease the minimum contribution share in the Sankey diagram parameters (see picture attached in the upper left corner)?



0 votes
by (760 points)
Dear Francois!

Thanks for your fast reply!

the number of max. processes is set to 15 and min contribution share is set to 0,0%... my actual sankey diagram consits of 11 processes but I am missing 4 more processes, which also shows up in the contribution tree (one with 5,16%...)

this is the setup after calculation... but after change of the maximum number to 1 and immediately to 15 (without pressing OK) the number of displayed processes is reduced to 9...??!!

Additionally, the selction of the maximum number shows odd behaviour, when clicking on the arrow fields: 15->5->(down)1->11->15 (up).

Kind regards,

by (7.9k points)

It would be easier if you could share your product system with me (if possible). Please, contact me at this address: lerall@greendelta.com.

The spinner has a maximum (in your case set to 15) and it in(/de)crements by 10 when pressing the buttons. So that behaviour seems fine. However, I agree that it does not make much sense to increment by 10... :D

