+1 vote
Im using ecoinvent's database as part of a datacollection for an LCA on a plast product. The issue is that many of the various datasets in that category i find to be outdated (timeperiod ends in 2022 or 2023). If this fact is clearly stated in the final report, could these datasets then still be considered sufficient to represent data for our upstream processes? It is meant to be part of an official report so it should meet the highest standards. I couldnt find anything specific in the ISO standards, but usually transparency seems to be a solution.
Thank you in advance!

Kind regards
in Miscellaneous by (350 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (128k points)
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Best answer
Interesting question, you have of course the possibility to assess data quality and reflect this, it is quite common that datasets in databases are not all brand new; question is typically if you have something better; or if you are, as in some EPDs, not to use important background data that are older than 10 years or so.
by (350 points)
Thank you for your answer Dr. Ciroth. I will try and look more into if there is specific requirements set up. Only issue might be lack of requirements/a PCR in this specific field, but i suppose that is common with niche products.
Good day!