I wanna use Python 3,0 to replace one flow with another one. As many of my processes contain this exchange flow. When I operate the below codes, it doesn't work. Please who could give me some suggestions why it failed:
import olca_schema as o
import pandas as pd
import olca_ipc as olca
import uuid
import math
from datetime import datetime
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
from matplotlib import rcParams
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import seaborn as sns
params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular' }
client = olca.Client(8080)
# Read the Excel file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\jx331\Desktop\Ofwat\Python_OpenLCA\input_python.xlsx', sheet_name='input')
# Iterate through each row in the DataFrame
for index, row in df.iterrows():
target_uuid = row['UUID'] # Assuming 'UUID' is the column containing UUIDs in your DataFrame
target_flow_name = row['Flow_name'] # Target flow name to change
# Retrieve the process based on the UUID
process = client.get(o.Process, target_uuid)
if process is not None:
# Find the exchange corresponding to the target flow name
exchange = next((e for e in process.exchanges if e.flow.name == target_flow_name), None)
if exchange is not None:
# Find the target exchange with the given UID
target_exchange = next((e for e in process.exchanges if e.flow.uid == "9d23fe2a-b3f8-4ee2-9dcb-5f5cede20bd6"), None)
if target_exchange is not None:
# Update the flow of the exchange with the new target exchange
exchange.flow = target_exchange.flow
print(f"Target exchange not found for UID: 9d23fe2a-b3f8-4ee2-9dcb-5f5cede20bd6")
print(f"Exchange not found for UUID: {target_uuid} and flow name: {target_flow_name}")
print(f"Process not found for UUID: {target_uuid}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to retrieve process for UUID: {target_uuid}, Error: {e}")
# Skip to the next iteration if process retrieval fails
Failed to retrieve process for UUID: bd74e0bd-58f7-473e-b41f-f05d99b2bc41, Error: 'Ref' object has no attribute 'uid'
Failed to retrieve process for UUID: 620a992e-058e-48c2-add4-f6eb6f35c600, Error: 'Ref' object has no attribute 'uid'
Failed to retrieve process for UUID: bb9a82b4-fcfd-4e82-afa4-0b4ba492c9ec, Error: 'Ref' object has no attribute 'uid'