+1 vote
Hi there,

I am a beginner user of LCA.

I want to assess the environmental impacts of an Acid Mine Drainage Plan treatment plant.I have all the input data from the inception of the plant till date, this data include electricity consumption, lime consumption etc. I want to find out if will I be able to identify avenues to improve the plant's sustainability using OpenLCA? Thank you in advance
in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (129k points)
Hi, that is definitely possible, we have done this some years ago with openLCA in a EU project ITERAMS, where we modeled entire mine sites including acid mine draininage treatments, in openLCA. Unfortunately the detailed models are protected and we cannot share them, but here is a link to the project  results: http://www.iterams.eu/Home/Deliverables.
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