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I have attempted to create a product system for the generation of polyethylene from chemically recycled plastics using both the GaBi and USLCI databases. I have further attempted to analyze the results using both the TRACI and ReciEpe methods however from both methods I wasn't able to generate an impact analysis (all subdivisions 0) for the various subcategories.

I have taken care to interlink processes, however, I am still facing the same issue. I am trying to replicate a study and so have used the inventory provided, most of these inventories only have some output releases but I am assuming since they are linked to the background processes, and hence the emissions from them will be taken into account. I have also tried to form product systems out of pre-existing processes in my database however the results on these are also 0.

 What should I do? What is it that I am doing wrong?
in openLCA by (160 points)
by (2.5k points)
Can you clarify where the GaBi and USLCI datasets are coming from (e.g. the openLCA Nexus or the Federal LCA Commons)? Each uses its own elementary flow list and so must also use a specific set of LCIA methods.

1 Answer

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by (160 points)
I believe I obtained the GaBi Dataset from OpenLCA Nexus and the USLCI (NREL) Database from LCA Commons. Could you suggest the specific set of LCIA methods I can use for either of these datasets?