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I want to create a simple LCA project that is compares only the IPCC CO2e of 3 separate products. Each of these products is composed of 2 types of plastics from the following: TPS, PLA, PP and/or rPP. The goal: by changing the disposal method (incineration, landfill, recycling, or composting), how do the three products compare in terms of CO2e?

 This is what I have so far:

 1) Ive made product systems containing the CO2e produced during the production only. The reference process is the production of composite plastic (example: 50% PP with 50% rPP as one product).

2) Separately, I have individual processes containing the carbon footprint (as a single value of carbon dioxide elementary flow - which I've obtained through literature data) for each disposal method and their respective plastic type (e.g., incineration of PP, landfill of PP, composting of TPS, etc).

 Now, Im stuck on connecting the two to create on product system for further cradle-to-grave comparison. How can I take a product (using the same example as mentioned above with 50% PP and 50% rPP) and include the impact from disposal, with disposal method as the variable? How can I literally connect my processes?
in openLCA by (120 points)

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