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I have a recycling process. The process treats waste panel (case-2 combined) and recovers some components. Then, one of this component (glass) will be transported to a manufacturing industry to replace virgin materials. I have attached the screenshot of my modelling.  I have attached these screenshots systematically. First one is recycling, 2nd one is transportation, and the last one is manufacturing process with recycled content. Would like to know if I did it correctly or not?

Thank you.

in openLCA by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (124k points)
edited by
I do not see cullet transported as input ínto 3 (last process) but probably since you cut the inputs, first I see is line, packed? If it is input, that is correctly modeled. Another option could be to have transport and the material that is transported both as input into 3 (the manufacturing process), this is how ecoinvent processes are modeled, but it is somewhat less elegant since then two inputs of the process depend on each other (transport in e.g. ton-km must fit to the weight of the input material).

Best wishes, Andreas

edit: also, many amounts in your final process 3 seem to be zero, including the one for the reference product - that should be modified, probably
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