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I am trying to model modules C3 & C4. Let's assume that I have 1 tn of demolition material (cement or mortar) in the inputs of C3.

70% gets recycled in C3 and the remaining 30% is landfilled in C4. But I have trouble inserting the correct amounts in the outputs.

For example, in C3, the reference flow process would be 0.7 tn and the other output flow "treatment of waste cement in concrete and mortar, sorting plant | waste cement in concrete and mortar | EN15804GD" would also be 0.7 tn? The same goes with C4 but with 0.3 tn?

Also, what if I have gravel production from stage C3 that will be used in module D?

Generally, I am struggling to understand what "reference flow process" represents.
in openLCA by (160 points)
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