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Hello, I've been using OpenLCA for a while and always struggle when changing my computers. Right now I work with 2 but is seriously difficult to manage the same information in both because of the folder's location that contains all the local databases created. I planned to have this location in the cloud, but I can't do that simply by modifying the openLCA.ini with the working directory. I think this method doesn't work at some point, but I don't even know if I'm doing something incorrectly. What I do to change the .ini was add one line in the Notepad:

"-olcaDatDir C:\Users\Familia Figueroa\Desktop\Datos académicos\OneDrive - Universidad EAFIT\2024-1\Argos\CICLO DE VIDA IMPRESIÓN 3D\databases" If someone can help me, I really appreciate!. Thanks.
in openLCA by (120 points)

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