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In openLCA 2.1.0, one can organize their databases into folders by using the menu item "Set folder" (after right-click onto a database). Can I rename a folder that was created this way, and if yes, how? - would be a nice feature!
in openLCA by (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (130k points)
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Best answer
Hi Gerhard,

yes, true, this is so far not possible, but it is quite easy to make a new folder and move all database from the old folder to the new folder (right?)


by (160 points)
Thanks Andreas, for your prompt answer! - Indeed creating a new folder was the workaround that I used; I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing any other solution.

Btw, I found the folders a great way to organize the long list of databases that had accumulated over the years - very useful!