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Hello everyone, I created the "Test tile production" database, then I imported the "Pet Bottle" database available for free. I created the "Test tile production" process and then I inserted all the products of the input as the raw material of the recipe for the production of ceramic tiles and as output the tile (1 ceramic tile - unit of measurement "item"). For the material and/or energy not present in the imported database, I created specific flows that I then added as input in my process.I can't calculate the impacts of the only process that I created using the existing database that I imported completely into my database that I called "Test tile production". If I try it doesn't return any impact. Regards
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (1.6k points)
Hi Omar,

not sure if I can follow. But the flows you created, do they have any providers? Otherwise, there will be no impact dedicated to them. You must also create processes that produce those product flows and potentially generate emissions. Did you create your product system using "auto-connect"? If not, you will see that your inventory is only consisting of product flows. Have a look at our manual: https://greendelta.github.io/openLCA2-manual/ .
