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Dear community,

I get product carbon footprints (PCF) stated from my suppliers. How can I enter these values in my calculation?


Some of our suppliers state the PCF of their goods. We get them as global warming potential (GWP) value in kg CO2 eq per kg of good. Sometimes the values are stated in the three categories: CO2-emission fossil, CO2-biogenic (this is a normally a negative value, as it is an CO2-uptake) and CO2 from land use change. I've got the task of finding a way to enter these stated values directly into the models of our products.

My approach was to set up a flow for each GWP category. In each of them I set up the different CO2-emissions as output. In the case of biogenic CO2 I've set up CO2 from the air as an input. Then I used these processes as input in our raw materials. There I entered the stated values. After a calculation of the raw material itself I unfortunately didn't get the entered values 1:1 in the results. They even didn't show up in the results.

I use ecoinvent 3.9 and 3.10. I've used the LCIA method IPCC 2021.

I appreciate any help with this issue. In any case I want to thank this community and the people at GreenDelta for your work. This forum and all the other resources are extensive and very insightful. Keep it up!


in openLCA by (160 points)

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