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I am using the latest version of OpenLCA (2.1.1), and currently following my first tutorial (PET vs PC bottle). When I try to create a report for the projects all I get is a report page with no results (the "Text" section would say "The table/chart below" with no actual table or chart) (screenshot below). I don't get the export as excel/html options either, and this is the case with all the projects of this tutorial.

I use Kaspersky if this adds any context as I know it can prevent a lot of things.

ago in openLCA by (120 points)
edited ago by

1 Answer

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ago by (124k points)
I removed the link, can you simply upload an image? Edit your post to do so. Thank you!

You are not using the latest version, latest is 2.3, we had in older versions the issue that the report, which was basically an HTML page, could be blocked by some security settings, and thus changed it in newer versions. Maybe you can just update openLCA and try again?

Best wishes,
