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We are currently conducting several S-LCA (Social Life Cycle Assessment) studies using the PSILCA database in openLCA software. As we progress with our assessments, a question has arisen regarding the treatment of social impacts across different stages of the value chain, specifically concerning manufacturing processes.

When analyzing a manufacturing process in PSILCA (for example, "Manufacture of fabricated metal products"), we are uncertain whether the social impact of raw material extraction is implicitly included in this process. We are concerned that, if we perform a full value chain analysis and treat the extraction and manufacturing stages separately, we may inadvertently double-count the social impacts associated with raw material extraction. Additionally, we have reviewed the literature, including numerous studies that apply PSILCA for S-LCA, as well as reports published by the Joint Research Centre (JRC). In our review, we have not observed assessments that explicitly separate the extraction and manufacturing stages for the purpose of social impact evaluation.

Could you please share your insights on this matter, given your extensive experience in S-LCA methodology?
in Miscellaneous by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (131k points)
Hi, good question, the processes are "unit processes" although they are rather huge, meaning that you get e.g. raw material related impacts only from the raw material processes, and this means that there is no double counting here. Of course it is still possbile to provide results per life cycle stage, and this can be interesting information, but it is not needed. Maybe it is clear now?