I have a datasheet for the LCI of steel that I obtained from another organisation. They did their LCI using GaBi software and it is in ICLD format. This is how the datasheet looks:

The issue now is that I don't have access to GaBi, only to all the free databases and openLCA. When I try to import this data into openLCA it doesn't work. I tried different things:
1. Created a new sheet with data only , and columns named the same as in openLCA ('Flow','Category','Amount','Unit') but this time I don't get an error, however, it's empty. Nothing really happens.
2. I think it might also be an issue of formats used. In this case, how can i first convert an excel file into an importable file in openLCA like JSON? And then how can I do a flow mapping to make sure that it's actually able to identify each flows? Currently the flows are named differently and that could be why it can't locate them. To use the flow mapping tool, I can't import the file in its current state