0 votes
1. ecoinvent 3.10.1_cutoff_ecoSpold02.7z  

2. ecoinvent 3.10.1_cutoff_lcia_ecoSpold02.7z  

3. ecoinvent 3.10.1_cutoff_lci_ecoSpold02.7z
in Miscellaneous by (190 points)

1 Answer

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by (4.8k points)
Hello, this has theoretically nothing to do with openLCA but more with ecoinvent. Everything is in the ecospold02 format. You can import it yourself into openLCA but we already offer the ecoinvent 3.10.1 version on Nexus. However, from the ecoquery you can see that the ecospold02 data thus all the unit process (UPR), cumulative inventory (LCI), and results of the impact assessment (LCIA) of any activity. Hope this helps