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hi, i am a new beginner. i wanna know how can i input data from literature (research papers) into OpenLCA? do those flows like benzene, toluene etc (just for example) need to be already present in any database? for example, i am using ELCD for PET processes. if any of the flows is missing in the database and i need to add them in intermediate or final process, what can i do to add lietrature data instead?
in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (180 points)
If i understand your question correctly, you want to build a process, and maybe materials may not be available in the database. Then you may search in the literature to find how other researchers have modelled them. You may find the LCI for the specific material in the study. You may also find production pathways for this material but this might be challenging as you will not have adequate data. Then, you can also find a proxy. A proxy is considered a material (let s call it MB) which is similar to your material (MA), but (MB) exists in the database. The similarity might be terms of properties and chemical structure.

I hope that helps