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Dear all,

I am currently using OpenLCA software and have encountered a discrepancy between the results of ODA and MFLA. 

Here are the processes and product system graphs i have created.

1) ODA

The wastes(non-waste flow), as well as transportation of waste, are negative inputs in the waste generating process, linked with process treatment process which have a negative output(system process).


The waste(waste flow) is positive output in the waste generating process, linked with the waste treatment process(unit process).

I would appreciate your guidance on the following questions:

  1. Shouldn't the results of ODA and MFLA be the same?
    (The results seems not completely equal.)
  2. Where should the waste transportation data be entered?
  3. ODA: negetive input in waste generating process
    MFLA: positive input in waste treatment process

If i created wrong values or connections, please notice them to me.
Thank you for reading, and I would greatly appreciate a detailed response.

Best regards,


ago in openLCA by (120 points)

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