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Hi, I imported in ecoinvent 3.9 some processes built with ecoinvent 3.10. Because of this (I suppose) the database has now duplicate processes with identical name. If I open the process I can see the ecoinvent version, but when I choose the provider from the list I can't, therefore I mix different ecoinvent versions in my models without noticing.

I want to remove the duplicate ecoinvent processes, but doing this by hand is not efficient. any idea on how to make it in python or in another way? And how to avoid this to happen in the future?

ago in openLCA by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
ago by (8.6k points)
Hello Johann,

As a tip, I would export and import the data sets without "default provider", so you only export and import all your own foreground processes (they will remain interlinked between each other) but without the set default provider from the ecoinvent database. This way you will not create duplicates and you will not mix up different ecoinvent versions.

On the other hand, if you want to make the process names distinguishable, before you import data into ecoinvent 3.9, you could also write in the SQL editor something like:


to add to all process names in ecoinvent 3.9 the string "ecoinvent 3.9".
0 votes
ago by (130k points)
I think I see, for openLCA, the UUID is important for identifying any object, not the name, and the UUID for process datasets may change from one ecoinvent version to another. The issue you describe could be fixed with a script. If you are able to share your database, you can book developer hours in nexus (1 should be enough) and we can help.

Good luck!