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I found a very interesting website with the codes for different Global sensitivity analysis methods, that are useful for LCA. (https://evelynegroen.github.io/Code/globalsensitivity.html)

These codes are either python or mathlab. Is there any way to implement the codes or the results in openLCA? Or any way to link these two? 

in openLCA by (200 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (131k points)
Oh good find, I think I even know the author. My generic answer would be "yes, a connection is possible via the IPC API of openLCA", but probably an example would be nice. Let's see if we find a project for this (or if anyone wants to sponsor, let us know!). It should not take too long.

Thank you!

ago by (200 points)
How do we find an example? :)
How do I use the IPC API?