I am trying to calculate a product system named "Oil" using Python from Spider. Following the tutorial here is the code I use. I set the target amount to different value, however, on the document result4.xlsx the target amount will follow the target amount value set in the openLCA. So it seems the value set in Spider is not taken into account.
Has it happened to anyone? Could you propose any possible solution on this?
Thank you in advanced!
import olca
client = olca.Client(8080)
setup = olca.CalculationSetup()
setup.parameter_redefs = []
setup.impact_method = client.find(olca.ImpactMethod, 'IPCC 2001')
setup.product_system = client.find(olca.ProductSystem, 'Oil')
setup.calculation_type = olca.CalculationType.SIMPLE_CALCULATION
setup.amount = 4.0
result = client.calculate(setup)
client.excel_export(result, 'result4.xlsx')