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in openLCA by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (126k points)
Download the ecoinvent version you need as zolca files from Nexus, then in openLCA select restore database. This is explained often, e.g. in the user manual, http://www.openlca.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/openLCA_1.10_User-Manual.pdf
by (100 points)
Hello, I am having the same problem, I am trying to import from ecoinvent 3.6 to OpenLca 1.10. How can I do it?
The link posted "http://www.openlca.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/openLCA_1.10_User-Manual.pdf"  is not working, can you post it again?

How can I download ecoinvent version as zolca files from Nexus? I am using an academic license in ecoinvent, does it work for nexus?

Thank you.
by (126k points)
Ah yes, we updated the handbook, new link is http://www.openlca.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/openLCA_1.10_User-Manual.pdf. Sorry.
About the Nexus question, I do not understand, if you order from Nexus, and we grant access, you have access and can download.
by (100 points)
Hello Andreas.

Thank you for the answer, however, I still have some doubts.

Last year I got the access to ecoinvent database through Open LCA Nexus, OpenLCA Team sent me the following email.

"We received the login data for you from the database provider (ecoinvent), to give you access to the original files (not for openLCA) and background reports" in the mail I got the username and the password for academic free license for Educational user in a non-OECD country to get in to ecoinvent.

Reading again the email, I just notice that the access granted was just for the ecoinvent general files, not for using the database in OpenLCA. How can I download the inventory files for example "sodium silicate" to add it to the process in a  openLCA database?

I need to run a LCA using  OpenLCA and the database from ecoinvent, what should I do?  Do I have to buy a special license or can I use the one I already have?

On the other hand, I read the handbook, section 4.4 Importing and combining databases, I did not see and explanation on how to convert ecoinvent files "2020-04-20_ecoSpold.spold.zip" to zolca.
 Thank you
by (126k points)
Yes, we send this email to pass the login to the original files from ecoinvent , but we also send a first email with data access to Nexus. You can send us your order number then we can look into this.
by (100 points)
order 240272
by (126k points)
Thank you joha1meija - if you login to Nexus, you can download the ecoinvent zolca files. I just checked.
by (100 points)
Andreas, you are rigth, I just login to Nexus and I found the database files .zolca.
Thank you for your kindness and directions.
by (100 points)
Hello Andreas,
I have username and the password for academic free license for Educational user in a non-OECD country. How can I download file .zolca (encovient database) from OpenLCA Nexus.
Thank you.
by (126k points)
Just login with your username and password, in Nexus (provided that you mean that you have a Nexus username and pass, and ordered the ecoinvent database in Nexus)? If not, then order again from Nexus.